
Photo Credits:

It's hard to make a website without photos, so we thank the generous people who gave in to our repeated bantering, and granted permission to use their photos.  Sorry for the endless harassment.

We thank those who have allowed us to use their photos.  Unless a Creative Commons license is specified, you must contact the original creator for any use.



Images which do not have an attributed source are most likely original content by the authors of this website, and protected by copyright.  Please contact us to confirm ownership any specific image.   If they are our original content, they may be used for non-commercial purposes if attributed to this website, as detailed in the below "Creative Commons" License.  Click the link on the footer, at bottom of the page for full legal details which outline rights consistent with international copyright law.

We have tried diligently to make sure any images or intellectual property is either freely usable, or we are using the images in line with their licensing terms for non-commercial use.  If any entity feels their images are improperly used on this website, please contact us on the CONTACT FORM and we will remove any potentially questionable property while we investigate.

Kenbak Corporation Intellectual Property:

Some information on this site originally was intellectual property of the Kenbak Corporation and John V. Blankenbaker.  When the Kenbak Corporation dissolved in 1973, intellectual rights were sold to CTI Educational Products, who hoped to continue marketing and manufacturing the Kenbak.  When CTI went bankrupt, their successor released the intellectual property to the public domain.  If anyone feels any intellectual property is on this website, please CONTACT US.


This website contains many links to "third-party" outside websites.  When it was first linked, the third-party content was checked and determined if such linking was appropriate.  However, we cannot constantly check this third-party content for changes and therefore cannot accept any responsibility for it. The respective provider of the site is solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of information provided by third parties.  Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links and comments from third parties. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Accuracy Disclaimer:

The contents of the website have been compiled from many sources, and cross referenced to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, no guarantee can be given that the information provided is correct, complete, up-to-date and available at all times, and we cannot take responsibility for any harm caused by using this information.  No contractional relationship with the users of this website exists.  If any information is felt to be wrong, please CONTACT US and we will discuss our sources.


This site requires no cookies, does no tracking, and has no way to find out anything about users unless the users provide that information in the contact form.  If a user does contact us, we only use any personal information for communicating with that person if needed, and do not sell or give away personal information or email addresses.