Site Map:
(table of contents)
Summary of all Pages in this Website:
Home: What is the Kenbak-1? Home Page, with jumping off links to most site content.
John Blankenbaker's Biography Biography of the designer, maker and marketer, focusing on the Kenbak-1.
The Early Personal Computer Contest Boston's "The Computer Museum" contest which brought attention to the Kenbak-1
Registry of All Known Original Kenbak-1 Computers A comprehensive list of all known original Kenbak-1 computers.
Programming the Kenbak-1 Overview on how the Kenbak-1 was programmed.
Design of the Kenbak-1 Explaining how a working computer is implemented in simple logic circuits and serial memory.
Reproducing the Kenbak-1 How to make your own Kenbak-1, using the original circuit design and components.
Provenance Details of some Original Kenbak-1's Details of the history and prior owners, which won't fit on the registry.
The Mysterious "Rev A" Circuit Board Explanation of the "secondary prototype" computers, and a hardware mystery.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Some common questions, answered.
Links and Documents: Links to other sites and Documents, including other biographies of Blankenbaker.
Photo Credits and Legal Life without photos is boring. Without credits, there could be no photos.
Contact Us How to contact the editors of this site.
More trivial pages to make sure we didn't leave anything out of this page...
Site Map This table of contents
The Red Shrine Display Some photos of an amazing display put on by the Computer Museum of America before they had a public museum.
Nielsen6 Photo evidence that the computer currently on display at Computer Museum of America is the same as Nielsen6.
TinyCAD Schematics Printout of the Kenbak-1 circuitry, which was entered into TinyCAD program. The best reference is still the original schematics from the "Theory of Operation" manual, but this replication helps explain some confusing aspects with connections a bit more clear.